Seek legal assistance from the Law Offices of Alan Forester in Beverly Hills, CA. Whether you need help with tax or business litigation cases, our legal team can help you. Our leading attorney has a good understanding of how the Internal Revenue Service, Franchise Tax Boards, and other regulatory agencies audit their licensees and taxpayers, so you can rest assured that we will only give you legal advice that best fits your situation.
Tax law is the most complex area of law. There are not many attorneys that have both knowledge of the tax law and accounting procedures. Dealing with tax disputes is not only stressful but also life-changing. This is why it is important to have an experienced CPA/attorney to help you throughout the process. When you need a well-versed lawyer to represent you in front of IRS, Franchise Tax Board and State Board of Equalization, turn to the CPA & Law Offices of Alan Forester, a trusted law firm in Beverly Hills, CA. We prepare complex Federal and States tax returns. We guarantee to provide excellent legal representation and solutions to address your legal concerns.
Trust law is a very complex area of law. There are many types of trust, most importantly Revocable Trusts, Irrevocable Trust, Asset Protection Trust, Charitable Trust, Constructive Trust, Special Needs Trust, Spendthrift Trust, Tax By-Pass Trust and many more. A trust is a legal document that can be created during a person's lifetime and survive the person's death. A trust can also be created by a will and formed after death. Once assets are put into the trust they belong to the trust itself, not the trustee . They remain subject to the rules and instructions of the trust contract. Mr. Forester has created various types of Trusts, managed trustsas trustee and litigated various trust court cases.
Do you need a lawyer who can aggressively represent and defend you in court? Trust our legal team to help you. Visit our firm and discuss your legal concerns with us. We will carefully assess your situation and provide you with possible options on how to proceed with your case. Whatever legal action you choose, you can count on us to stand by your side throughout the whole ordeal. If you would like to learn more about the cases we have handled or want to book an appointment, don’t hesitate to reach us using the contact information provided on this website. For clients with tax cases, kindly download and fill out our
tax organizer form before your appointment.